Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On the eve of the coldest days in 5 years... and one of the snowiest seasons in more than a decade.

Some insight on winter life in Minnesota.

There's always been a strong work ethic shared among the inhabitants of the northern latitudes. Before we do anything 'fun', we finish our chores first. Oftentimes, that means that before we can go out and have some fun with family & friends - we have to clear the sidewalk of snow and ice. And, please, please remember, an air temperature of -30 degrees F is summed up in one word: dangerous! You can get 'frost bitten' within seconds. It is vitally important to be properly attired.

Job's done! Now, let the fun begin. It's time for ... Snow Snorkeling!!
And this year, I understand that the plains of North Dakota have the best snow snorkelling conditions that anyone has ever seen or can remember.

1 comment:

Candace said...

I am laughing so hard I'm crying!! Your crazy, I hope you didn't get frostbite! LOL!