Thursday, June 5, 2008

A bunch of interesting and fun links

Some terrific links… please support our contributors and check these out. Hey, they are fun, funny, educational or just plain interesting, something to make you go “Hmmmm”

I just love 'Rube Goldberg' devices, don't you? Check out this contraption...

For you old car fans, a trip down memory lane. For the youngun's out there - these were cars you could actually work on and adjust and tinker with everything. In otherwords, these classics aren't loaded up with no embedded microcomputers controlling fuel mixtures, anti-lock brakes, entertainment components, stabilization, power distribution, and so on. Pure analog, baby!

OK, it's mid-2008, the primaries and caucuses are done, that means it is time to bring out...The ultimate best of list for 2007! (Actually these have nothing to do with olitics or the primaries, I just sai that. But we are coming up on the mid-year date which is a great time to look back.)

What a terrific idea!
It's free, easy to use and understand, and above all it's useful!
Check this out and see if you don’t agree.

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