Thursday, June 5, 2008

Another bunch of entertaining links...

100 Things To Do with Google Mashups! (just like the link says!) If you love maps as I do, you are going to love what your fellow map aficionados have done using Google Maps. I'm sure out the 100 listed here, you will finda couple that will end up in your 'favorite link list'.

For you music and synthesizer fans - this is a wonderful new synthesizer with a very intriguing user interface.

Pablo Picasso's Guernica in 3-D! Amazing!!

many may find this 'heavy and boring'. I found this mini-documentary (~2 minutes) to be utterly thought provoking and incredibly a very interesting, but that's just moi!

A bunch of interesting and fun links

Some terrific links… please support our contributors and check these out. Hey, they are fun, funny, educational or just plain interesting, something to make you go “Hmmmm”

I just love 'Rube Goldberg' devices, don't you? Check out this contraption...

For you old car fans, a trip down memory lane. For the youngun's out there - these were cars you could actually work on and adjust and tinker with everything. In otherwords, these classics aren't loaded up with no embedded microcomputers controlling fuel mixtures, anti-lock brakes, entertainment components, stabilization, power distribution, and so on. Pure analog, baby!

OK, it's mid-2008, the primaries and caucuses are done, that means it is time to bring out...The ultimate best of list for 2007! (Actually these have nothing to do with olitics or the primaries, I just sai that. But we are coming up on the mid-year date which is a great time to look back.)

What a terrific idea!
It's free, easy to use and understand, and above all it's useful!
Check this out and see if you don’t agree.

Pick the Correct Penny

Click on the title to take the test.

See if you can pick the correct one.

Jimmy the Painter

There was a painter named Jimmy who was very interested in making a penny where he could, so he often thinned down his paint to make it go a wee bit further.As it happened, he got away with this for some time, but eventually the Baptist Church decided to do a big restoration job on one of their biggest buildings.Jimmy put in a bid, and, because his price was so low, he got the job.So he set about erecting the scaffolding and setting up the planks, and buying the paint and, yes, I am sorry to say, thinning it down with turpentine.Well, Jimmy was up on the scaffolding, painting away, the job nearly completed, when suddenly there was a horrendous clap of thunder, the sky opened, and the rain poured down washing the thinned paint from all over thechurch and knocking Jimmy clear off the scaffold to land on the lawn among the gravestones, surrounded by telltale puddles of the thinned and useless paint.Jimmy was no fool. He knew this was a judgment from the Almighty, so he got down on his knees and cried: 'Oh, God, forgive me; what should I do?'And from the thunder, a mighty voice spoke... 'Repaint! Repaint! And thin no more!'